The Magical Loaf Studio: Create Your Own Adventist-Style Vegan Dinner Loaf!

I was pursuing an amazing blog Jennifer McCann called "The Vegan Lunch Box". She created an amazing tool that lets you make a vegan loaf, your way. For those of you who are not entirely aware of what a loaf is, it is exactly like a meatloaf, but without the meat. Instead, you typically add beans, seeds, vegetables, herbs and seasonings to create something with similar texture to that of a meatloaf, but with an entirely different taste.

I can't get enough of this handy little tool. Some of my loaves have turned out quite disgusting, but it is fun to play around with and see what your creative genius comes up with! Let's all thank Jennifer for a wonderful design!


  1. Anonymous3:11 AM

    I found the magic loaf studio about 10 years or more ago, but I have since lost my copy of the magic loaf copy that I had copied, it was pretty great to make my own loaf, I also used it for patties and I even used to mad
    To veggie dogs l just rolled it like we used to roll play dough when we were kids

  2. Anonymous11:53 AM

    My list got ruined when my hot water heater got a leak and flooded my laundry room where I had stored a lot of recipes

  3. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I am sorry I forgot to put my
