All Natural-All Purpose Disinfecting Solution (and cleaner)

This couldn't be any easier, and I am seriously considering kicking myself for not doing it before. This idea started from a fight between my husband and I, after he got angry at me for using the kitchen sponge to wipe the toilet (ewww...I know, I am disgusting). I must admit I have stolen it once or twice for other 'furniture' because I loved the little scrubby parts on the bottom that scraped up random crap (oh man, I just got grossed out even more...I assure you, I didn't scrape up REAL crap with it). Once he got angry enough I started using the "Mr.Clean" wipes that you pull from the tub, but money wise, it seemed to add up. I knew that lots of people were using homemade disinfectants (my sister uses vinegar + water), but for some reason I always thought that it wouldn't work the same, and I was nervous to try. A few clicks on the web in regards to this topic shocked me on how disgusting these earth UNfriendly products really are, and how they can really harm you, or your loved ones. Read the back of these products and you will realize very quickly how the majority of the ingredients are completely foreign: N-Alkyl, Dimenthyl Benoyl, what the? My concern mainly stemmed from my dog Popeye who has a tendency to lick random pieces of furniture (..she's weird), and I started thinking about all of the chemicals she was ingesting just from me trying to have a squeaky clean, 'fresh' smelling home. I have done enough research on my own to figure out which 'natural' ingredients disinfect, and I have picked my favorites in this solution. What I like to do is cut up several wash cloths (especially the wood fibre ones that don't stink, or grow bacteria), and put them in a large container, along with the solution. That way, it mocks the Mr Clean product I once loved. Then, just rinse the cloths thoroughly, and transfer back to the tub (or for bigger messes, just throw in with your regular wash). You can also place the solution into a spray bottle. I then spray away and wipe until my home is fresh, clean, and so safe that I could probably lick the counter tops, alongside with Popeye! This solution not only disinfects, but it has a very clean, fresh smell thanks to the essential oils used (of which you can use your favorite). Also, with the addition of baking soda, you can use this to scrub surfaces, making it a truly 'all-purpose' cleaner!

Ingredients (makes 900 ml; a large spray bottle):
650 ml of purified water  
250 ml white vinegar (disinfects, deodorizes)
20 drops of tea tree oil (disinfects, antibacterial, deodorizes); if you are not a fan of tea tree oil, you can use other essential oils. All of the citrus ones work great, as well as lavender.
1-2 tbsp of lemon juice, or a few drops of the essential oil (this disinfects, but it also leaves a nice citrus scent while cleaning; optional)
* baking soda, to scrub

1) Shake all of the ingredients together, and place in a large bottle, or spray bottle. Another option is to reuse one of those large, plastic "Cleaning Wipes" bottles that you use before, and putting your own, paper towel segments into it, along with some of this solution. That way, you won't miss out of the whole 'pull and clean' ways that you are used to :) Enjoy!
* If you need to scrub a surface, just sprinkle a small amount of baking soda over surface, followed by a few sprays of the solution. It will bubble slightly. Leave on for a minute, then scrub away the grime!


  1. Anonymous10:57 PM

    I read that Tea Tree is deadly for Cats and Dogs. What is your opinion?

  2. Anonymous1:30 AM

    I guess these type of natural cleaning liquids will be very suitable use in cleaning different parts on our home. all purpose cleaning liquids will be more ideal use when it comes to cleaning since it was made naturally liquid and suitable for cleaning use.
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