Coconut Mocha Iced Coffee

Adam and I have been making a lot of iced coffees this Summer. We like to make a big batch and keep it in a jug in the fridge, drinking it whenever we would like a sweet treat. Recently Adam was annoyed because I used up all of the almond milk before he could eat his morning cereal (a big "No, No" in my family), so I suggested using coconut milk instead. He humoured me and used it, but then I was left with almost a whole can of coconut milk, that I wanted to use up (trust me, I have found one too many things in the back of my fridge, that have started to grow fuzz). I had never tried coconut milk in coffee, but thought it was worth a shot. This turned out better than I expected, and it is all thanks to me using up the almond milk!! You can thank me later Adam :)

Ingredients (serves 4-6):
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1/8 cup hot water
2 tbsp agave nectar (you may want to add more, depending how sweet you like it)

1 can of coconut milk (I use light)
3 cups strongly brewed coffee
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
* I have also used mint extract for a minty treat!

1) In a small bowl, blend the cocoa powder with the agave and hot water until a smooth paste is made. Place the paste in a pouring drink container and stir in all additional ingredients. Add additional agave to sweeten. Enjoy cold, over ice! :)

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