Strawberry-Vanilla Lemonade (Sweetened with Stevia)

Whenever my husband and I go to "Red Robin's" I am always tempted (and usually do buy) the strawberry lemonade with my meal. Like most lemonades, I often sip it, enjoying it, but unfortunately calculating the amount of sugar and calories I am ingesting. I came to this recipe based on the need for a healthier..correction..healthy version of lemonade. Okay, that was the after thought, because the true path to this recipe began when my husband was sitting on the couch, after just making me laugh hysterically, and asked if I would make him some strawberry lemonade. I had to praise him for suggesting 'strawberry' lemonade, because he has never been one to be very 'playful' with his food choices (he just wants something big and fast to fill him up). So, I went to work (short work) in the kitchen, and came out with this. This recipe has 5 ingredients: strawberries, lemon juice, stevia sweetener, vanilla extract, and water. Oh, and 6 if you count the ice. Yum!

Ingredients (serves 6-8): 
2 cups strawberries, chopped
4 1 gram packets of Stevia sweetener
2 cups water
6 cups of water
5 big lemons, juiced
1 tsp vanilla extract

1) Place the chopped strawberries in a pot, along with 2 cups of the water. Sprinkle in the stevia powder packets, and stir until dissolved. Bring to a boil, lower heat, and simmer until the strawberries break down, and sauce thickens slightly (about 5 minutes). Once finished, place in the fridge until cooled.You can strain the excess strawberry chunks, but I like them in the drink.
2) Combine lemon juice with remaining water, and vanilla extract, stir. Pour in strawberry mixture, and stir to combine. You can add additional juice, water, vanilla, or stevia to your liking. the longer you let it sit, the better it gets. Enjoy over ice :)

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